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2017-06-17 @ 05:20:09
Postat av: STK-Monolitbep

Какая марка бетона? От чего зависит стоимость разных марок?
Переоценить значение бетона в строительстве невозможно. Без него не обходится практически ни одна стройка. Разобраться в марках бетона и определить потребности для определенных задач, нам как раз поможет данная статья.
Бетон, как известно, это смесь вяжущего, заполнителя и воды. Мы будем рассматривать бетон цементный (бывает еще и нецементный, например, силикатный) с заполнителем из песка и щебня (гравия).
Основной показатель — марка бетона по прочности (М50, М100, М200, М300, М350, М400 и так далее). Это среднее значение прочности используется в основном «частниками».
В проектных документах, как правило, указывается класс прочности бетона (гарантированное значение).

Марка бетона / обозначение
М100 В7,5
М150 В10
М200 В15
М250 В20
М300 В22,5
М350 В25

Каждая марка бетона имеет конкретную область применения. Схематично это можно представить в таблице.
Назначение М100 М150 М200 М250 М300 М350
Бетонная подготовка + +
Стяжка пола + +
Фундамент + + + +
Лестницы + +
Несущие конструкции + +
Перекрытия +
Бассейны +

Как видим, для самого частого «потребителя» бетона — фундамента — вилка составляет от М200 до М350. Бетон М200 — самый распространенный, он чаще всего используется для ленточных фундаментов, М250 и М300 применяется на слабых грунтах, М350 используется для фундаментов промышленных объектов.

Теперь, давайте разберемся, сколько должен стоить один кубометр хорошего бетона по стандартам ГОСТ, который вполне достоин быть доставленным на объект с паспортом качества.

Цена на бетон зависит от:
1. Стоимости компонентов (песок, цемент, вода, наполнители);
2. Наличия добавок;
3. Марки (класса);
4. Производителя;
5. Сезона.

Самым дорогим компонентом в бетоне является цемент. Его содержание и марка напрямую влияют на получаемую марку (класс) бетона. Напомним, чем выше марка, тем выше прочность. Естественно бетон более высокой марки обойдется дороже.

Песок, гравий, щебень и др. наполнители должны быть тщательно очищены от грязи и других примесей во избежание снижения прочности бетона. Дополнительная очистка приводит к удорожанию получаемой смеси.

Сама по себе бетонная смесь отлично подходит для строительства различных конструкций, но существуют случаи, когда необходимо улучшить определенные качества раствора. На помощь приходят добавки. Существует множество добавок для бетона, улучшающих различные свойства раствора:
• подвижность;
• пластичность;
• водоудержание;
• скорость твердения;
• морозостойкость

И еще множество свойств. И снова, это ведет к удорожанию смеси….
Вы спросите нас - получается хороший бетон не может стоить дешево?... К сожалению наш ответ - да…
И мы хорошо понимаем, что одинаковые с виду консистенции разных марок бетона, могут иметь не только разную марочную прочность, но и не содержать столь необходимых по требованиям ГОСТ, добавок.

Стоит заметить и то, что весной цена на бетон резко возрастает с началом активизации строительного сезона (заводам нужно покрывать зимние убытки). Летом также дорожает и доставка, т.к. повышаются цены на топливо.

При покупке основными ориентирами для выбора смеси являются класс (марка), а также подвижность (текучесть). Еще нужно обратить внимание на разницу в способах доставки. Доставка бетона с подвижностью П1 и П2 осуществляется самосвалами. Бетон с подвижностью П3 и П4 доставляется на бетоносмесителях (миксерах). Стоимость доставки при помощи бетоносмесителя выше, чем при помощи самосвала.

Как сэкономить при покупке бетона
Первый фактор, влияющий на стоимость бетона, заключается в удаленности завода от строительной площадки. С этим фактором, надеюсь, все понятно.
Другой способ снизить стоимость заключается в использовании более дешевых наполнителей. Именно наполнителей, а не цемента, т.к. от количества и качества цемента зависит прочность конструкции. Например, к щебню и песку можно добавить различный металлолом, который к тому же улучшит прочностн

2017-06-20 @ 11:35:29
URL: http://xn----ptbefeggbvki.xn--p1ai
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2017-08-04 @ 03:38:40
Postat av: JamesApals

п»їPenis Enlargement Bible Benefit

Penis Enlargement Bible Review – Does It Really Work?
There are many ways of improving penis size and with so many men looking for this advantage, it is no wonder. Some of the options are not at all healthy for men to use on themselves and it is actually a much better idea to look for other similar types of products.
Of course, using a guide that utilizes natural methods is another great method to use. There are a few options, but the Penis Enlargement Bible has gotten a lot of attention recently. We decided to check out the different aspects in order to find out whether it was worthwhile for people to purchase.
Benefits of the Penis Enlargement Bible
There are plenty of benefits of the PE Bible that are far better than most of the other opportunities. Surgeries are just plain painful and can be a big hassle in both time and in money. For a temporary solution or one that is unnatural, it is not at all worth it. However, for penis extenders and penis pills, it is a lot easier for people to get the extended penis they are looking for. Unfortunately, this can also be dangerous and it is a temporary solution.
Increasing the musculature of your physiology is the only way to improve the size of your erections and improve the length before ejaculation. For a lot of men, the program offers natural methods that can help them in order to improve these aspects of their life.
The methods do work, but it seems as though they are hard to understand and get the hang of. Learning from the PE Bible is not easy and it is not at all quick even though the material seems to be useful for an improved penis size. Most of the time, it is hard to even understand what the guide is trying to say.
Which Penis Enlargement Product?
For some men, the Penis Enlargement Bible was a real disappointment. Even though many of the right exercises were there, the way that it was presented made it nearly impossible to learn properly at a pace that suited most individuals. Spending a few minutes each day is the best option for most of the men who want to improve the size of their penis, but it is not at all fair to make them spend hours on exercises .


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Postat av: RobertTit

There isn't a man on this planet that hasn't experienced this problem (PE) at least one time shortly - and also in their younger years. Lasting longer during sex happens to be considered one of mankind's coveted pursuits because of the connection that it has with as being a man but unfortunately merely a very few men have that incredible stamina that will seemingly lasts for hours.
But look, a high level so-called 'minute man' that reaches an orgasm within 2 minutes or even less there's no need to feel ashamed or be embarrassed - it's actually not your fault. Believe it or not, these are naturally programmed this way in fact it is Mother Nature's means for men to procreate in the best manner. Long before the idea of monogamy it absolutely was the male's role to inseminate as much so that as fast as he could. As time passed on and the brain developed, the region that handles pleasure grew in size and sexual activity became linked with it. Unfortunately the reflexes that control ejaculation would not change.
However, techniques which were developed over the years that you can beat nature at its own game and enjoy the utmost sexual fulfillment without the urge to ejaculate prematurily .. Let's take a quick have a look at some methods (the right and several less than good) below:
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2022-07-27 @ 15:22:40
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2022-08-23 @ 23:39:07
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2022-11-24 @ 05:30:18
Postat av: MichaelTum

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2023-01-22 @ 20:04:46
Postat av: Michaelkendy

Karate is a kind of Japanese martial art. It really is probably one of the most widely practiced martial art forms world
wide. It hinges on acute physical coordination and mental focus. The phrase Karate actually translates to
empty open hands. In a far more deeper understanding, ‘te’ signifies
that your body is our main weapon, instead of swords, guns, or any object that is physically harmful.
This fighting style was employed by the Ryukyu Islands natives, and was later impacted by Chinese
. when Chinese families settled on Okinawa. The karateka is composed of punches, kicks and
deflection techniques. The themes of traditional karate training are both fighting and self-defence,
though the mental and moral aspects target the individuals overall improvement.
Karate was developed in Asia (India, China and Japan) over many thousands of years, having countless
fighting techinques variations and disciplines practiced today. The modern day karate is practiced in
Okinawa, an island located in Japan. This can be traced back into the late 17th century, when weapons
were banned by samurai rulers of Japan. The earliest written evidence of karate was your message tode
(the Okinawan name for the art). It was through the reference of a Chinese visitor who taught a
type of Kung Fu to the island. The tode style blended using the fighting styles which has had already been
cultivated from the island, known as te (hand). Te was popular in three cities: Shuri, Naha and Tamarai.
All these cities had their own way of doing martial arts and present day styles, including
Shotokan and Shito-ryu (mostly affected by the city of Shuri). Since way back when, specialists in
Okinawan martial arts perfected many different combat styles and forms, due to political situations. The
ruling authorities would ban peasants in using weapons every once in awhile, leaving these with
household items for protection. And also this plays a role in the development of martial arts across Asia,
associated with how karate is practiced without weaponry.
A man named Funakoshi Gichin is credited for carrying karate beyond its geographical roots, by
bringing the elements of Okinawan fighting styles plus the combat technique to mainland Japan, that
progressively reached the rest of the world. He brought karate to Japan in 1922, and it is seen and
respected once the father of modern karate. If karate must be described in a single sentence, Funakoshi’s
maxim is the most suitable: “You never attack first in karate.”
Today, karate is practiced by thousands of people worldwide. These day there are four main varieties of karate in
Japan: Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Shito-ryu, and Wado-ryu. Karatekas wear a white, loose-fitting outfit
called a gi, consisting of pants and a jacket that is closed with a belt. The belt’s colour indicates the
karateka’s skill level (kyu). This may change from different styles and teachings of Karate.

The Shotokan Karate Global Australia may be the formal organization of martial arts
in Aussie-land. The network has close 5 clubs, with over 600 members, rendering it one of
the biggest Aboriginal Australian fighting techniques associations.
Shotokan martial art had been introduced to Queensland in 1971 by Sensei Adler Cooper. His earliest connection with
martial art was in 1963, after his buddies learned about a unique martial art art becoming released into canada.
Sensei Leonardo practiced five to 6 times each week, and getting him a large victory by receiving the
French state Kata tournament at the chronological age of 26. Then he made a decision to take up learning martial art
skillfully, and/or went to Japan to review his professor License during the age of twenty-two. Sensei Ayden
appeared to be the first completely suitable Martial art educator to arrive in the country of Australia.
Right, SKIA seeks to weigh customary and sleek martial arts in instruction and competition. They
regularly host classic Karate seminars, whenever individuals get a deeper insight within the

2023-01-30 @ 08:41:43
Postat av: Turkiyeemume

Republic of Turkiye — 2023 Turkey–Syria earthquake

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2023-02-11 @ 08:44:53
URL: http://https://turkiye.community/
Postat av: Donaldexody

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Postat av: Robertofouth

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Postat av: JamesHem

The necessity of Water plus mildew minimization together with Drywall Repair in Laguna Hills, CA

Water damage and mold and mold emergence may have serious consequences for home managers in Dana Point, CA. From damaging the dwelling of the property to having an effect on the health insurance and well-being associated with the residents, it is very important to handle these issues instantly. Correct water and fungal excuse through drywall repair is important in preventing water damage and mold and promising the long life of the property.

Water damage and mold may be caused by many different origins, like water leaks, flooding, plus drinking water intrusion. Neglecting water damage and mold can result in high-priced servicing and adversely impact the entire worth of the house. Approaching water damage and mold and leaks quick is really important in fighting more damage then safeguarding your home from potential water damage and mold.

Among the best how to prevent water damage and mold is through sealing cellar and small areas. It will help to avoid water damage and mold from influencing the building blocks as well as structure of the property. In addition, suitable routine maintenance of piping and AIR CONDITIONING systems can help prevent water damage and mold and make certain the longevity of the house. Securing rooftops, windowpanes, and doorways can also be vital in preventing water damage and mold and defending your home from expected water damage and mold.

Mildew development may be due to many different factors, such as dampness and water damage and mold. Comprehending the role of humidity in mold growth is vital in stopping fungus. Dampness levels should really be directed to avoid mold growth also to protect the health insurance and well-being regarding the residents.

Specialist water damage and mold and mold testing is important in figuring out the extent and reason for the destruction and creating a remedy plan. An expert water damage and mold and fungus evaluating service will help identify potential types of water damage and mold and mold and recommend methods to prevent further damage.

Investing in water damage and mold and mold mitigation is essential in protecting the safety and health of residents, preserving the worthiness of the property and avoiding costly repairs. Proper water and mold mitigation with drywall repair will help prevent water damage and mold and mold growth, ensuring the longevity and worth of the house.

Proper drainage can also be crucial in preventing water damage and mold and protecting the home from potential flooding. Ensuring proper drainage can help prevent water damage and mold from affecting the inspiration and structure of the property. Proper attic breathing can be ideal in fighting water damage and mold and sustaining the longevity of the house.

Installing water leak spotting systems can provide early warning of water damages and stop overpriced repairs. These processes can detect perhaps the smallest leaks, providing homeowners utilizing the chance to correct the matter rapidly.

In closing, ideal water and fungus mitigation with drywall repair is important in preventing water damage and mold and mold development in California homes. From sealing downstairs room and other areas to shelling out in water leak detection systems, individuals may take proactive steps to safeguard their homes from possible damage. By covering water damage and mold and mold promptly, homeowners can protect their own health and well-being, preserve the worth of the house, and steer clear of high-priced treatments.

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2023-02-19 @ 14:05:33
Postat av: Jameswig

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Postat av: StevenBRoms

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Postat av: Robertwap

Odwied profil: mia.hernandez.86 - HTC Forum - HtcClub.pl [url=http://htcclub.pl/member.php/112039-mia-hernandez-86]More info!..[/url]

Postat av: XtoniallCrulk

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2023-05-05 @ 09:08:47
Postat av: Deweynup

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2023-05-08 @ 23:23:39
URL: http://street-ball.info/user-32675.html
Postat av: ElceVuG

CS Source - Why no one never quits

CS 1.6 is the most recognized and most played multiplayer FPS still to this day. The game is being played in every part of this world. Always in, every gaming zone, with every computer and Laptop and even on every Xbox system.
Counter Strike 1.6:

CS Global Offensive started as a modification of the Half-life game which had already been published in the late 1990's. This online shooter game is a tactical and skill based shooter which tests the cognitive ability and responsive skills of the user. Valve studios took the reins of making this game in the 2000s, rebuilt it by adding some new challenging and hand made addons to CZ.
The most notable the timeless features of CS 1.6 is the right to [url=https://central-servers.net/]Host your own server[/url]. This means a whole new battlefield for players to set up their own server and play together. With such a right available to teams the entertainment is limit-less. In the 1990s groups had to use Dedicated Servers to run their CS GO Servers. Today users use only a [url=https://central-servers.net/]vSphere VPS[/url] and will have smooth game play in CS GO.

Counter Strike Source has been a source of entertainment for the players since its launch. The question is how? Well, it is just that kind of online game which never actually get overall uninteresting even if one plays it for many years.
Reasons why Counter Strike Condition Zero is timeless:

One can simply never get lost with [url=https://0v1.org/forums/#gaming.12]Counter Strike[/url] since it allows the user to customise it according to their styles and preferences. One of the main problems of this customisation is called "cheating". [url=https://leaguecheats.com]CSCZ Cheats[/url] are the most engaging factor of MMO FPS and the majority of the clans have actually become the hackers by the time they're good at CS. Some may want to play CS on the base levels and the maps with which they are used to but the point is that most of the expert gamers just want some different things to increase their interest in Counter Strike. LeagueCheats cheats works on WarGods, WarGodz, sXe injected, [url=https://leaguecheats.com/wiki/esportal-cheats-hacks/]Esportal[/url], GamersClub, EAC, Challengeme.gg, 99damage, FaceIT, SoStronk, PVPRO, GOLeague, ChallengerMode, FastCup CSGO, Akros, VAC, VACNET, Gfinity, CEVO, ESL, FaceIT Server Side, SMAC, KAC, PopFlash, Kickback, and ZenGaming. [url=https://leaguecheats.com/store/]CS Source Hacks[/url]

So, teams can create infinite maps for their own feeling or for their game servers. Isn't it uplifting that you play every session on many different maps and then players try to get skill on that particular map by practicing again and again via engaging fights. This in my perspective is the undoubted reason why people ever get bored even after hours of games.

The levels can be created through different programs and software, which are always free to use and one can be an expert in it by watching different tutorials. Most people believe that CS Source came with a lot of levels but the statement is that it came only with some basic maps but over time the creators created some varied distinct maps on the Valve Hammer platform which the users have been downloading them via multiple websites.

Another fact which is keeping CS Global Offensive long-lasting and exciting is the ability to make your own listen server. One can make a separate VPS for their own friends so that they can have some varied battles with each other or they can invite other groups for a fight. As referenced above they can have a [url=https://central-servers.net]Fast VPS[/url] and always have a good experience in CS Condition Zero.

Lastly, there are also many cool images available which the users can create and can spray them on the walls or anything else ingame. The spray logos usually show the image of the particular players or clans.

In other news customising CS CZ was never fast and easy before. Now one can never get used to this endless action g

2023-05-09 @ 11:06:23
URL: http://https://leaguecheats.com
Postat av: Frankdog

mariah_phillips_87 - street-ball.info [url=http://street-ball.info/user-32317.html]Show more![/url]

2023-05-16 @ 16:29:50
URL: http://street-ball.info/user-32317.html
Postat av: Frankdog

Tatooine Base Forums - Profile of jamesbutler69 [url=http://tatooinebase.com.au/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=67441]Click here>>>[/url]

Postat av: Focusarx

55 thousand Greek, 30 thousand Armenian

2024-05-10 @ 06:33:38
Postat av: Ferrous scrap salvage yard

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2024-08-06 @ 07:43:12
URL: http://scrap.run/
Postat av: Beaconnds

and was erased, and on cleaned

2024-08-18 @ 05:20:59
Postat av: Sprinklermme

Since manuscripts are subject to deterioration

2024-08-20 @ 22:08:00
Postat av: Documentdwb

Century to a kind of destruction:

2024-09-17 @ 20:28:58
Postat av: Fingerboardfvt

Since manuscripts are subject to deterioration

2024-09-20 @ 03:58:02
Postat av: Marshallbbv

"Julia's Garland" (fr. Guirlande de Julie)

2024-09-22 @ 02:21:44
Postat av: Securityaai

monuments related to deep

2024-09-23 @ 18:23:45
Postat av: Telecastervnw

or their samples written

2024-11-10 @ 04:24:29
Postat av: Drywallevn

multiplies (see also article

2024-11-10 @ 06:41:54
Postat av: Arnottjym

handwritten by the author.

2024-12-26 @ 05:16:24
Postat av: Foamcfm

consists of the book itself

2025-01-11 @ 22:19:41
Postat av: Keypadalwo

written on the parchment was scratched out

2025-01-12 @ 04:10:52
Postat av: Interfacepdg

Since manuscripts are subject to deterioration

2025-01-20 @ 22:01:25
Postat av: Squierjzc

manuscripts held onto

2025-02-11 @ 21:01:56
Postat av: Batterylkn

books in ancient times was papyrus

2025-02-17 @ 14:40:48
Postat av: Nespressonjl

only a few survived.

2025-02-18 @ 12:55:55

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